We had this "indestructable" plastic tray I got at a garage sale here (remember we're talking about a gift for 3 little boys!) But you could also use a sturdy cardboard box, cut down to size. We cut out the targets from pieces of felt, and wrote on them with a permanent black marker, then hot-glued them on. Of course Sonnet beat me, and cackled with glee when we played it, the little doodle-head!!!
I sewed up a cover to go around the outside by measuring around it, and measuring the height from top to bottom. The length around was too long for the fabric I had left, so I cut 2 strips and sewed them together. The height was 2.5", so I cut the strips 6" wide, so I could just fold them in half, right sides together and stitch down one end and one side. Turned it right side out, ironed it flat, and stitched up the other end, then hot-glued the whole thing onto the outside of the box. Here's how it looks where I joined it...it's just overlapped.
I know, it seems strange to be giving this as part of a baby gift, but he has 2 brothers, ages 2 and 4, and he will grow old enough to use this very fast!!! Too fast. ;)